Julia was one of my best friends and I still miss her very much. My favorite memory of her was the time she took me to see Elvis in concert at the VBC. Julia always had a smile on her face and was kind to everyone. I miss you my friend!
You always had a smile on your face. You truly were one of the most kind and gentle persons that I've ever had the pleasure to know. You were my claim to fame Julia. I had breakfast with you and some buddies of mine at Aunt Eunice's one Saturday morning and we ended up in the Huntsville Times, "Breakfast with the Mayor's Daughter." Julia was very, very kind to me and I'll always appreciate her thoughtfulness.
Julia was a sweet spirit & nice person....I sure did enjoy our friendship throughout high school. I was incredibly sad to hear when she had passed away. I look forward to seeing her again one day on the other side.
Julia was one of my oldest friends: we grew up in the same neighborhood; went to church together; car-pooled to school; spent many summer days at her across-the-street neighbor's pool; went to our first rock concert together (I think it was Aerosmith?) and had tons of sleep-overs where we listened to Elton John records and ate popcorn and acted goofy. I will always be grateful to her dad, Mayor Joe Davis, who hired me for my first job right out of law school. I sat with Jeanne Dowdle at Julia's funeral and we reminisced about the loss of our sweet friend, gone too soon.
Glennis Jenkins
Julia was one of my best friends and I still miss her very much. My favorite memory of her was the time she took me to see Elvis in concert at the VBC. Julia always had a smile on her face and was kind to everyone. I miss you my friend!
Keith Ailor
You always had a smile on your face. You truly were one of the most kind and gentle persons that I've ever had the pleasure to know. You were my claim to fame Julia. I had breakfast with you and some buddies of mine at Aunt Eunice's one Saturday morning and we ended up in the Huntsville Times, "Breakfast with the Mayor's Daughter." Julia was very, very kind to me and I'll always appreciate her thoughtfulness.
Keith Ailor
Andrea Odom (Guthrie)
Julia was a sweet spirit & nice person....I sure did enjoy our friendship throughout high school. I was incredibly sad to hear when she had passed away. I look forward to seeing her again one day on the other side.
Emily Turner (Busby)
Julia was kind and sweet. I am sad to learn she has gone.
Jeannie Bennett (Russell)
Julia was one of my oldest friends: we grew up in the same neighborhood; went to church together; car-pooled to school; spent many summer days at her across-the-street neighbor's pool; went to our first rock concert together (I think it was Aerosmith?) and had tons of sleep-overs where we listened to Elton John records and ate popcorn and acted goofy. I will always be grateful to her dad, Mayor Joe Davis, who hired me for my first job right out of law school. I sat with Jeanne Dowdle at Julia's funeral and we reminisced about the loss of our sweet friend, gone too soon.
David Sharpe
Julia always had a smile and was nice to everyone,including misfits like me-lol. She touched everyone who knew her,whether briefly or lifelong